Town Hall Brewery Elves’ Elixir 2011

Town Hall Brewery Elves’ Elixir 2011

Released at their annual Festivus party, Town Hall Brewery’s Elves’ Elixir is a new recipe every time.  This year’s brew is a hybrid American/Belgian IPA.  Brewed by Town Hall brewer Adam, this beer uses a classic Belgian yeast and malt profile while... Read More
Town Hall Brewery Sun Thief Pale

Town Hall Brewery Sun Thief Pale

Winter time brings less sunlight for our part of the world.  Shorter days, longer nights.  That brings the naming inspiration for the Town Hall Brewery Sun Thief Pale.  A pale ale to get us through the shortest days of winter, hopped with Williamettes and Cascades.  A... Read More
Town Hall Brewery Festivus 2011

Town Hall Brewery Festivus 2011

Each year the Town Hall Brewery Festivus recipe changes.  This year it’s a black lager made with over 300lbs of tart cherries.  It has a wonderful tart cherry aroma with plenty of cherry flavor along with a hint of chocolate in the lager finish.  While I’m... Read More
Town Hall Brewery Festivus Party 2011

Town Hall Brewery Festivus Party 2011

Every Festivus, Town Hall Brewery celebrates by tapping their Festivus beer, Elves Elixir, and Grinch’s Grog.  They also have a fire outside along with complimentary mulled ale and this year mulled wine too.  The warmer temperatures this year meant even move... Read More
Town Hall Brewery Andy’s Ale

Town Hall Brewery Andy’s Ale

After 12 years behind the bar at Town Hall Brewery, bartender Andy finally left and headed to California.  As part of the going away party for Andy, they brewed Andy’s Ale.  Brewed like an ESB but hopped like a Town Hall pale ale, this beer had plenty of Nelson... Read More