Hop Theory Relativity

We love hops! Those little cones are what drive some of us to drink (so much) craft beer. They impart wonderful aroma and flavor on our brews and make us happy. Sadly, sometimes the hops in our brew aren’t quite what we’re hoping for. For those that want to brighten up their brews, there’s Hop Theory Reality.

Hop Theory Reality are little sachets (tea-bags) filled with hops, orange peel, coriander, and natural flavors. They enhance your beer’s flavor and add a touch of orange peel and coriander too. They’re a great way to make even a Bud Light taste good.

To use the Reality sachets, simply throw one in your brew and let it sit. In 2-4 minutes, you’ve got a brew that has a nice hop flavor. A single tea-bag is good for more than one beer, so they can be used for several drinks in a night.

In addition to hopping your beer, Hop Theory Reality sachets are great for hopping other drinks too. Make a soothing hop tea (some believe it has healing properties) or hop up any drink you like. Hops aren’t just for beer.

We don’t always have access to the freshest craft beer or even the best selection everywhere we go. For those times when you need to add a bit of hop flavor to your drink, these little sachets are a great way to feed your hop head need. Order your Reality hop sachets today on the Hop Theory website.

Hop Theory Relativity Sachet