Town Hall Brewery Belgian White

Town Hall Brewery Belgian White

In the summer heat we’ve been having lately, a refreshing brew is always welcome to cool things a bit.  Theres no finer place in the city of Minneapolis to sit with friends and enjoy several pints than the patio at Town Hall Brewery.  Enjoy the fresh air (even... Read More
Town Hall Brewery Weizenbock

Town Hall Brewery Weizenbock

Winter months mean more frequent releases at Town Hall Brewery.  The Weizenbock features rich caramel maltiness with notes of raisin, banana and clove.  A touch of vanilla in the aftertaste and a light bit of warming from the 7.2% ABV.  Unfiltered, this wonderful... Read More
Summit Hefe Weizen

Summit Hefe Weizen

A lazy Sunday afternoon spent enjoying a couple glasses of Summit Hefe Weizen at home. Always a nice summer brew to make the heat and humidity more manageable. If only I had a Summit logo hefe glass to drink it in. Read More