Bottle Key

Bottle Key

Nice minimalist design for this beer bottle opener made from a key by Makr Carry Goods.  This one would blend nicely in with any other keys on your keychain and still pop a bottle of craft beer without adding extra bulk like some keychain bottle openers do.  You can... Read More
iPhone Bottle Opener

iPhone Bottle Opener

You carry your phone everywhere you go and you should always carry a bottle opener too.  You never know when craft beer may call and you need to be prepared.  With the Opena you get a protective iPhone 4 case along with a great built-in bottle opener.  Made possible... Read More
Railroad Spike Bottle Opener

Railroad Spike Bottle Opener

Looking for a unique bottle opener?  How about one made from a railroad spike found along an abandoned US railroad?  Heated to 2400° F and then hand-forged, each bottle opener is unique.  A heavy duty bottle opener that’ll take off even the most stubborn bottle... Read More
Easy Open Beer Bottle Cap

Easy Open Beer Bottle Cap

More and more craft brewers have switched from twist-off caps to pry-off style caps including Sierra Nevada and Summit Brewing. Pry-off caps offer a better seal, online keeping your precious craft brew safer from harmful oxygen leaking in.  The downside to these... Read More
USB Drive Bottle Opener

USB Drive Bottle Opener

Seems that many beer geeks also seem to be computer geeks too.  Why not bring both of those loves together?  This USB flash drive also sports a bottle opener so you can download porn and crack a brew to cool off when you’re done. Grab this USB drive bottle... Read More