Forager Brewery looked to expand the reach of their beer outside of their wonderful brewpub in Rochester, MN. Sadly, Minnesota laws prevent brewpubs from distributing, so they’ve spun off a new venture, Humble Forager Brewery, to take their brews on the road. Elevated Perspective is a rotating series of hazy double IPAs that showcase various hop varieties. Here’s what’s going on with their first release.
Elevated Perspective
Brewer Austin Jevne knows how to do haze. Humble Forager Brewery Elevated Perspective is packed with hop flavor, while drinking far too easily for a double IPA with 8% ABV.
It pours a deep and hazy golden color, with a large bubbly white head atop. With time, the foam settles, leaving behind some wispy lacing on the glass, and a small white ring around the edge of the brew.
Aromas of light citrus, with hints of orange and lemon, along with sweet grapefruit.
Taking a taste, fruity flavors abound. Topical tastes, juicy fruit, and sweet citrus, mingle with a light melon note. Barley, oats, wheat, and spelt give this beer a super-soft mouthfeel. No hops were added during the kettle boil, with all of them going in the whirlpool and then double dry-hopped with 5lbs per barrel, imparting wonderful hop aroma and flavor, without any bitterness.
Forage Locally
It’s awesome to see the expansion into packaged beer with Humble Forager Brewery. It’s an opportunity to take the unique local ingredients and experiences that Forager Brewery was founded on, and share them with those outside the Rochester brewpub.
Elevated Perspective is a delicious exploration that highlights the hops and drinks beautifully. Grab some cans and explore the perspective yourself. Keep an eye out for other hop varieties in this ongoing series and drink adventurously.