When someone says “stout”, we inevitably think of Guinness. There’s simply no one else that makes so much stout, so long, and so ubiquitous as that Irish brewer from St. James Gate. But since opening their Baltimore, MD brewery, they’re branching out. Guinness Stock Ale Aged In Bulleit Bourbon Barrels is a diversion from their classic dry Irish stout, while maintaining their roots.
Stock Ale Aged In Bulleit Bourbon Barrels
Guinness is an icon in the beer world. It’s helped convert many to craft beer, and been a tradition brewing since 1759. With their new Baltimore brewery, it’s likely we’ll see more experimentation out of a brand that’s traditionally stuck to their standard stout, with few variations available state-side.
Their Stock Ale Aged In Bulleit Bourbon Barrels is an amped-up imperial stout aged in barrels from classic American bourbon maker Bulleit. It’s a beautiful pairing.
This brew pours jet-black, with a small head of light-brown bubbles which quickly settle and leave just a small ring around the edge of the snifter.
The nose is thick with notes of vanilla, chocolate, warm bourbon, and a touch of roast. It’s sweet and beautiful to breathe in, only building as it warms.
Tasty notes of roasted chocolate malt, sweet bourbon, vanilla, and a bit of bitter burnt malt at the end. The body is much thinner than one would expect from the 10% ABV this beer holds. Fairly big on flavor, but lacking in mouthfeel. It’s easy to drink but leaves a bit to be desired in lack of body.
My Goodness My Guinness
It’s awesome to see an old brand add to their portfolio and explore new opportunities. Taking the classic Irish stout and aging it in classic American bourbon barrels is certainly a cool new marriage. Sadly it just isn’t quite as good as one would expect from the two powerhouses.
Guinness Stock Ale Aged In Bulleit Bourbon Barrels is a nice new offering from the Irish brewer and we hope to continue to see more beers coming out of their Baltimore brewery as time goes on. Grab a bottle and taste the way the brewer is innovating.