
Aaaah the turducken.  What a wondrous animal.  Well not really an animal but rather 3.  Take a turkey, stuff it with a duck, then stuff that with a chicken or a hen and you have a turducken.  Recently Grumpy’s NE cooked up their free traditional Friday food for their customers and made an awesome turducken.  Cooked on the grill out back and covered in a pound of thick-cut bacon from up north, we sat enjoying cask Bell’s Two Hearted while we waited for the the food to finish (I also enjoyed a glass of Surly Darkness which was still on tap from the Surly event the night before).  When it was finally ready to eat, a long quickly formed outside to get a sandwich or bowl of this delicious bird.  It was definitely worth the wait.

Turducken Sandwich

You have to love Grumpy’s NE and their wonderful craft beer selection.  Plus on Fridays starting at 4pm, they tap a cask of something fun each week and offer some free eats for the crowd.  If you’ve never been in, you really need to check it out.  If you haven’t been in for a while, it’s time to drop in soon and checkout the goodies on the beer list.

Grumpy's NE