Brewers and hop breeders continue to push innovation and pursue new opportunities to highlight certain desirable qualities in various beer styles. Fair State Coop and Yakima Chief Hops brewed YCH Biotransformation IPA in order to explore a new hop blend, created to make a juicer IPA.
YCH Biotransformation IPA
The fine folks at Fair State Coop have partnered with the Brewing Innovations team at YCH to test a new hop blend at the cutting edge of what the lab is working on. Throughout 2020, they’ll release a series of beers that explore new varieties, new blends, new derivative products (extracts, cryos, and more), along with new techniques.
In this brew, the blend, “Bio-T”, is designed to maximize the effects of biotransformation during mid-fermentation dry-hopping.
Researchers have found that certain yeasts have the ability to digest specific compounds in hops and create more desirable aromatics. With the right combination of yeast and hops, you can amp-up the hop aromas we want. The blend used here is specifically designed for these wonderful notes we love.
Tasting Innovation
This brew pours a hazy hay-yellow, with a white head of tiny tight bubbles. With time, it slowly settles and leaves walls of sticky lacing clinging to the glass.
Take in the wonderful aroma of peach, juicy pineapple, bubble gum, pear, and tropical fruit touches. As it warms, a distant note of soft spearmint appears.
Packed full of flavor, peach and ripe pineapple are in abundance upfront. Notes of bubble gum coming in healthily towards the end. Lots of juicy fruit and a super-soft mouthfeel. No bitterness in sight, just a ton of soft citrus flavor tantalizing the tongue. Dry juiciness into the aftertaste, with a bit of peach holding on, until you take another taste.
Delightful Research
It’s an exciting time to be a beer-fan. The beer industry continues to explore new ways of pushing the science behind the brew, to create a better beer for the imbiber. With Biotransformation IPA, Fair State Coop and YCH learn more about the biotransformation effects from mid-fermentation dry-hopping and the awesome aroma and flavors “Bio-T” imparts.
Grab a crowler of this experimental YCH Biotransformation IPA from the Fair State Coop taproom and taste the future of juicy hop hazed IPAs. Keep an eye out for more experimental brews from these two.