It’s most certainly Stout Season. Time to pack back some big and beautiful beers. Dust Bowl Brewing answers that call with Lost Uncle Imperial Stout, a big brew with a whole host of delicious additions. Here’s why it’s seasonally satisfying.
Lost Uncle Imperial Stout
Imperial stout is lovely, but it can get even better when you add more to its luscious layers. Dust Bowl Brewing Lost Uncle Imperial Stout is a big brew with berries, cacao nibs, vanilla beans, and coffee added, for a huge sock to the senses.
This beer pours a rich dark black, with a bubbly head of dark brown foam. The head settles and leaves a bit of medium brown bubbles around the edge, and little lacing on the glass.
Taking a sniff, the nose is very berry-forward with a bit of fruitcake sweetness and coffee kick. Notes of roasty malt and chocolate fight through too.
Berry is first in the taste, imparting sweet notes of fruit before roasty coffee, cacao nibs, and smooth chocolate malt crash in. It’s medium bodied, with just a hint of bitterness in the aftertaste, before the berry rides things out, in a decently-dry finish.
The 9.8% ABV doesn’t really make itself known, and the berry, cacao nibs, vanilla beans, and coffee are balanced wonderfully with the malty base. Though packed with flavor, it drinks easily without any one element overpowering the next.
Open Season On Stouts
Time to drink it all in. Big and beautiful brews packed with mega-malt flavor. Dust Bowl Brewing does a wonderful job of filling Lost Uncle Imperial Stout full of a whole host of flavors, without being overkill (like so many are). A tasty treat, during stout season, or any season.
Grab some cans of Dust Bowl Brewing Lost Uncle Imperial Stout and reconnect with that uncle you never had. It’ll be sure to make for a great story or family fable.