What’s thick, viscous, and full of flavor? Barrel Theory Riddles In The Dark is the answer.
Riddles In The Dark
Their anniversary just came around and to celebrate, Barrel Theory bottled up their barrel-aged imperial stout with coconut & pistachios, Riddles In The Dark. Riddle me this…
A thick viscous black liquid drips from the bottle and a small deep-brown head appears and quickly fizzes away, leaving no sign it ever existed.
Big bourbon notes fill the nose. A touch of dark chocolate, a hint of coffee, dark caramel, and toasted coconut all mingle together as you continue to inhale the aroma.
Thick and smooth velvet liquid coats the tongue as it slides across. Rich milk chocolate and sweet coconut dance together. Roasted malt and bourbon come through next, balancing the sweetness.
The pistachio is there but rather light and certainly hard to be center-stage with the other big stars of this 13.3% ABV imperial stout.
No tricks, no treats, no questions, or queries. Riddles In The Dark is delicious barrel-aged imperial stout action.
Get to Barrel Theory now to potentially enjoy this potent potion on tap. After a few, you may have the answer to this riddle.