Great beer is a form of art. Amazing beer artwork is yet another wonderful one. Not only should we fill our refrigerators with beer, but we should cover our walls with awesome beer art. Shafter Print Shop Beer Posters takes beer brands and turns them into wonderful wall-hangings.
Shafer Print Shop
Beer posters from Shafer Print Shop are unique, handcrafted prints to show off your beer love.
Each of these awesome art pieces are custom-designed for the brands they represent. Wonderful artwork that’s inspired by the original label design with their own spin on it.
This amazing Montucky Cold Snacks piece features their iconic horse and has become a source of envy for Cold Snacks friends who love this brew.
The colors are brilliant, the lines are crisp, and the paper is heavy 100lb cover stock. They’re perfect for framing and displaying in your home bar, brewery, or anywhere.
Perfect Prints
Our love of beer is something we display proudly, through t-shirts, stickers, and more. Shafer Print Shop creates awesome art that allows you to express that love with wonderful designs created from great beer brands, worthy of hanging anywhere.
Head over to their website now to see all the cool beer posters Shafer Print Shop has to offer and decorate your place with a unique piece.