DoohicKey Beer Bottle Opener

Aaaah beer bottle openers.  Those great little tools that get us into our favorite beverage.  You never want to be caught without one when you need one and when carrying one with you, size is key.  Small bottle openers that can be hooked, clipped and carried anywhere are a must.  In addition to popping open your favorite beer bottle, any opener that can do more than simply open is of additional value to the beer holder.  The DoohicKey tool is perfect to carry anywhere and crack your craft brew any time.

For those looking for a small bottle opener that can go most anywhere, the DoohicKey is the key.  It’s tiny in size but strong enough to open bottle after bottle and last for years.  The built-in clip makes it easy to hook almost anywhere.  On you belt loop, on your keychain, on your zipper, on your backpack.  In addition to opening beer bottles, this little guy can be used as a box cutter, a standard screwdriver, and has a small ruler and three common wrench sizes (1/4″, 5/16″, 3/8″).  Big utility in a small package.

Like a Boy Scout, beer drinkers need to be prepared for anything, anywhere.  Always having a bottle opener on hand when the opportunity to imbibe comes along is a must. A small bottle opener that can be carried anywhere without issue is just what you need to add to your bottle opener collection.  Grab yourself a DoohicKey from Amazon and be prepared for any bottle that comes your way.

DoohicKey Bottle Opener