Summer is here and it’s time to celebrate our independence! For many, that means time with friends and family, fireworks, grilled food, and of course beer. Lupulin Brewing American Pils is perfect for those celebrations in the sun.
American Pils
Few styles of beer are more perfectly produced for summertime enjoyment than the American-style pilsner. Light and easy-drinking, there’s a reason we drink more of this style of beer in the US than any other. Lupulin Brewing was well aware of how great a pilsner tackles the summer heat when they canned up American Pils.
It pours a crystal clear golden straw yellow, with a bubbly white head on top. The foam settles and leaves no lace on the glass, other than a dab here and there.
The aroma is slightly sweet and biscuity, with notes of grassy hops and just a touch of sulfur (which is perfect for the style).
Take a slug of a cold pint and the medium-light malt body imparts light biscuity flavors, a dry sweetness, and a nice balance of herbal hop bite. The finish is clean, with just a hint of sulfur in there too. It’s easy-drinking, refreshing, light, and flavorful in a great balance. This is how you want your summer lager action to be.
Pints In The Sun
Putting back pints in the outdoors should be on everyone’s summer bucket list. When you want something to cut the heat and won’t stop you from drinking all day in the great outdoors, American Pils is the way to go. Totally tasty and totally crushable, it’s made for the American summer beer season.
Grab some cans of Lupulin Brewing American Pils and head out to enjoy everything our great nation and summer weather has to offer.