Craft Beer Time

Teachings From the Tap: Life Lessons From Our Year in Beer

Teachings From the Tap: Life Lessons From Our Year in Beer

For most that get into craft beer, at some point we have the urge to find out how and where it’s all made.  We visit our favorite local breweries and take a tour.  They show us the brewing process and tell us the history of their brand.  It’s a great educational experience and it brings us closer to our favorite brews.  When we travel we also find ourselves looking for breweries and brewpubs along the way to visit.  Places serving beers we can’t get back home or breweries making our favorite beers.  Beer travel has become a common hobby for many craft beer fans.  With so many breweries in this fine country, it’s become hard to sometimes plan where we should go when we travel.  There are a number of books out there to inform us about great beer locations around the US and Teachings From The Tap: Live Lessons From Our Year In Beer is another collection of information from travels compiled by a craft beer drinker.

While many beer books focus on specific countries or regions, Teachings From The Tap is a collection of travels all over the US, Canada, Western Europe, and Australia.  It gives a wide range of information about a very wide range of breweries and beer spots all over the place. This makes for an interesting enough read but makes it much less useful for someone planning their travels in a specific area and makes things a bit all over the place.  The book was self-published where a book put out through a normal publishing agency may have had an agent that would have helped the author focus more and keep things together a bit better.

The information presented in Teachings From The Tap paints a great picture of beer culture and the wonderful breweries all over.  Those looking to plan their own beer travels may want to check it out as it may aid them on their way.  If you haven’t done any beer traveling, now is the time to pick a destination and start looking for places to visit along the way.  Buy a copy of Teachings From the Tap: Life Lessons From Our Year in Beer here on Amazon.

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