Craft Beer Time

Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know

Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know

Are you looking to become a beer snob (I don’t care for the term, please don’t call yourself that)? If that’s your goal in life, you’ll want to check out this guide to your new life of snobbery. Have a look at Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know.

Learning Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know

How do you achieve beer snob status? Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know by Ellen Goldstein is a guide to beer basics, with an unfortunate title.

This book covers all the basics to get anyone started. What is beer, styles of beer, a history of brewing, ingredient breakdown, and more.

After laying a groundwork of beer basics, we drink up some knowledge on glassware, tasting, scoring, off-flavors, and other items involved in drinking our favorite beverage.

Beer becomes life with a guide to food pairings, selecting the right beer, hosting a tasting, descriptors, and festival basics.

While it’s not overly in-depth, it’s a good guide for beginners. It reads quick and easy, covering a large range of topics in order to get you started fast. It’s certainly too basic for most that have been drinking craft beer for some time, but it’s perfect for those just introducing friends to the beverage, or getting started in craft beer themselves.

Drink Up Knowledge

The only way to become more knowledgeable is by learning. This book covers a great range of beer topics every fan should understand and does so in a simple and quick manner. While it’s not the largest reference on the topic, it’s sure to help get beginners up speed so that they don’t feel intimidated around seasoned craft beer fans.

Grab a copy of Stuff Every Beer Snob Should Know from Amazon today and get your (or friends) beer knowledge up to par in no time.

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