When it comes to big beers (or really, beer in general), few make them as masterfully as Minneapolis Town Hall Brewery. They aren’t going to bastardize your brew with every adjunct out there, but they’ll surely hit it spot-on for style and give you a deliciously drinkable beverage to behold. Twisted Reality Barleywine is beautifully balanced and wonderfully drinking American barleywine. Here’s why.
Twisted Reality Barleywine
The brewers at Town Hall Brewery know how to make amazing beer. They’re the most awarded brewery in Minnesota and yet they sadly don’t get the recognition they deserve, because they’re not chasing the hype-styles. Instead, they make fantastic beer that offers something for everyone. Twisted Reality barleywine is everything the style should be. Here’s why.
Pours a clear deep mahogany with a small head of light-tan foam. The bubbles quickly settle and leave a ring around the edge of the snifter.
Inhale the wonderful malty aroma. Biscuity bready malt with distant notes of cacao powder, big toffee and caramel, and nice berry fruitiness. Maple notes become more apparent as it warms.
Sip in the hugely beautiful body. Rich caramel malt, reminiscent of a big version of their award-winning Hope and King Scotch Ale. Light toffee and wonderful fruity esters, along with dried berry notes from the hops. Touches of dry maple in the aftertaste. So rich and smooth, with a bit of creaminess on the end, and it dries out nicely. Lovely big body to this beer but it’s beautifully balanced, and even easy-drinking.
There’s no hint of the 10% ABV here, in the aroma or taste. Town Hall Brewery only releases beers when they’re ready to drink, and this one certainly shows that they’ll wait for everything to be perfect before putting it on for public consumption.
Beautiful Barleywine
This is a brilliantly balanced barleywine, offering big malt body with a bit of hop fruitiness, and an ABV that’s well-hidden. Not only is this brew world-class but what small craft brewery offers such for just $8 a crowler? It’s delicious and silly at the same time.
Drop into Town Hall Brewery for a crowler of Twisted Reality barleywine while you can and be sure to check out all their other awesome options. You really can’t go wrong with everything they have to offer.