Morning isn’t the only time for coffee and beers aren’t the only thing that can be barrel-aged. Lupulin Brewing proves both, with Coffee Shop Assault Vehicle. Learn why this isn’t just an assault on the coffee shop, but the senses too.
Coffee Shop Assault Vehicle
To create their assault of coffee and imperial stout, Lupulin worked with Paradise Roasters to source choice green beans and then age them in bourbon barrels. Post-aging, Paradise roasted those beans and Lupulin infused them into this brew, along with a big dose of cacao nibs. It all adds up to a big 11% ABV imperial stout, with huge coffee and chocolate kick, along with big bourbon notes in a way you don’t typically experience when the beer-itself it aged in the barrels.
This brew pours a deep viscous jet black with a bubbly brown head atop. The head settles with time, and leaves a bit of sticky lacing, though has problems clinging to the walls, which are coated in coffee oil.
The aroma is lovely. Big notes of coffee, hits of light bourbon, and plenty of roasty malt.
Oily and smooth as it sides across the tongue, Coffee Shop Assault Vehicle brings big milk chocolate flavor, with a kick of coffee, along with a basking of bourbon. Those bourbon note into a long aftertaste, and just a touch of heat.
Senses Assaulted
With a big kick of coffee, and alcohol backing, Lupulin Brewing Coffee Shop Assault Vehicle is a big and badass brew. It blends unique coffee bean barrel-aging with big imperial stout stock, for a delicious brew enjoyed anytime.
Assault your senses with a can of this delicious beer from Lupulin Brewing. Forget the coffee shop, hit the Coffee Shop Assault Vehicle instead.