Falling Knife Brewing makes a wonderful lineup of beers across the spectrum, with something for everyone. Hazy hop bombs are the in-thing right now and they’ve got you covered there. DDH L-Bombs is filled with that big fruity flavor that hop-heads are looking for.
DDH L-Bombs
A big hazy double dry-hopped NE double IPA packed with Denali, Citra cryo, Mosaic, and Sabro hops, Falling Knife DDH L-Bombs offers a whole lot of hop hit.
It pours a hazy deep golden, with a fluffy head of off-white foam atop. As it settles, the foam leaves layers of sticky lacing on the glass in its wake.
Nose into it and you’ll find plenty of mango and light peach. Sweet orange marmalade notes are pleasantly present too.
With a sip of this heavily hopped brew, you’re greeted with fruity mango, sweet pineapple, and lots of juicy orange flavor. A bit of light caramel malt comes through and there’s a touch of bitterness at the end. It’s nicely balanced and filled with fruity hop character.
Drop Bombs
The folks at Falling Knife Brewing have plenty of hazy IPA action available and DDH L-Bombs is certainly a blast of tropical fruit aromas and flavor in a glass. L-Bombs are far more lovely than F-Bombs.
Grab a crowler of DDH L-Bombs from Falling Knife Brewing and drop that L-word on this big hopped brew.