Craft Beer Time

HexFlex Multi-Tool Bottle Opener

HexFlex Multi-Tool Bottle Opener

A good Boy Scout is always prepared and so is a good beer drinker. Bottle opener always at the ready, it never hurts to be prepared for more than just brews. The HexFlex Multi-Tool is a beer bottle opener and more.

HexFlex Multi-Tool

Bottle openers don’t have to be a single function gadget. The HexFlex Multi-Tool packs a bottle opener and tons of other functionality into a tiny package.

Original designed as a snowboard tool, this little device isn’t just for on the slopes. The HexFlex is 15 tools in one. Arranged in a snowflake-design, it’s full of utility:

Even with all that functionality, it weighs only 2.3 ounces and is just over 2″ in diameter, making it small enough to put on your keychain or coat. It’s great to carry a bottle opener but even better to carry a tool that can meet all kinds of additional needs.

The HexFlex is available in standard or metric sizes and a variety of finishes, metals, colors, and anodized styles. No matter your needs, they’ve got one to fit them.

Tiny Tool, Big Utility

For those looking for a tiny tool to assist in all types of situations (including opening your beer bottle, of course), the HexFlex Multi-Tool is a great gadget to carry. It packs a ton of utility into a small tool and comes in handy all the time.

Head over to the HexFlex Multi-Tool website now and check out the great selection of different options to personalize this powerful little tool.

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