Craft Beer Time

Church Key Bottle Opener

I’ve always loved creative keychain bottle openers.  I’ve carried a Brewzkey on my own keychain for close to 10 years now.  You never know when you’ll need a bottle opener.  I know some will go on and on about how they can open a beer using a lighter or just about any other object in sight and that’s fine but I’d rather just hand someone my bottle opener quick than open bottles for everyone in the room myself.  This church key bottle opener is heavy-duty for years of use and has a unique old-school style that makes it much more classy than your typical 99¢ liquor store checkout opener (not to mention those cheap ones are made from crap aluminum that wears away making them useless after just a couple months).  Go unique with this opener for your unique craft brew.  Grab your church key bottle opener here.

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