For The Love Of Hops

We all know the 4 ingredients that make up most beers.  Of those, it would seem that most like hops best.  Those tiny cones that burst with flavors and aromas from bitter to fruity.  With new and interesting varieties popping up each year, there is an almost endless supply of hoppy goodness for us to enjoy.  For those that really enjoy hops, For the Love of Hops: The Practical Guide to the Aroma, Bitterness, and the Culture of Hops is the definitive guide to the plant.

For The Love Of Hops is a book of all things hops.  Nothing is left out of this manual of hop knowledge.  From Alfred Chapman identifying the key hop compounds in the late 19th century to new method of quantifying bitterness that could soon replace IBUs, this is a big book of bitter knowledge.  You’ll learn the history, science, practical brewing application with hops.  As in his other brewing ingredient focused books like Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation, Stan Hieronymus has left nothing out.  You’ll find references for flavor profiles and recipes of beers we all know to make hard to understand info easy to understand for anyone.

With recipes, a reference guide, and great nugget of insight from the best brewers and researchers in the industry, For The Love Of Hops is the book for all hopheads, homebrewers, and professional brewers to read.  You’ll learn more than you ever though about this plant that makes some of our favorite beers possible.  If you love this plant, pickup a copy of For The Love Of Hops today from Amazon.